报告时间:2011年10月14日 下午 14:00--15:30
报告题目:Two-time-scale Markovian Systems and Applications
报告摘要:Originated from various applications in signal processing, random evolution, telecommunications, financial engineering, and production planning, recent advances in control and optimization of hybrid, large-scale, and complex systems have lead to renewed interest of the understanding of two-time-scale Markov chains. This talk presents a summary of some of our recent work. We study asymptotic properties including asymptotic expansions of solutions of the forward equations, scaled and unscaled occupation measures, approximation error bounds, and associated switching diffusion processes. Controlled dynamic systems and Markov decision processes will also be mentioned.
报告人:殷钢 美国Wayne州立大学数学系终身教授、IEEE Fellow
殷刚(Gang George Yin,Hompage:http://www.math.wayne.edu/~gyin/)教授1987年博士毕业于布朗大学(Brown University)数学系,现任美国Wayne州立大学数学系终身教授(1996), Wayne州立大学校学术委员会副主席(Vice President-Elect, Academy of Scholars, Wayne State University, 2011),IEEE Fellow(elected 2002)。
殷刚教授从1989年起获得美国国家自然科学基金的连续资助(Continuing funding from the National Science Foundation, 1989-2012)。同时也获得了美国国家安全部门等单位的基金资助。
殷刚教授精通多个研究方向,在随机控制、系统辩识与估计、信号过程、通讯网络、应用概率和随机过程、随机近似与优化、奇异摄动、随机系统的数值解和随机系统理论等领域都有丰富的研究成果。在SCI刊物上表国际论文260余篇,现任SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization副编辑,Automatica副编辑,台湾数学杂志等副编辑。Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications等杂志编委。曾任IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control等杂志的副编辑(1994-1998)。多个国际会议的组织者与大会主席。