1. 发明专利:
[2]数字版权管理方法及系统,ZL:201010170074.1,授权日期:2013.2.13, 排名1;
[3]移动交易业务实现方法、装置及系统,ZL200910209162.5,授权日期:2013.04.24, 排名1;
[4]一种检测网络攻击行为的方法,ZL200910273376.9,授权日期:2012.10.10, 排名1;
[19]一种动态身份认证方法和系统,ZL200310111570.X, 授权日期:2007.6.27,排名1;
[20]一种用于动态身份认证的手机,ZL200310111571.4, 授权日期:2006.8.2,排名1;
[21]一种安全网络传输方法及其系统,ZL02139144.0, 授权日期:2004.5.19,排名1;
[22]无线寻呼动态密码系统,ZL99116517.9, 授权日期:2003.5.28,排名1
[23]动态电子密码系统,ZL00114328.X, 授权日期:2003.3.5,排名1;
[24]一种用于信息安全的加/解密方法,ZL00131287.1, 授权日期:2002.10.30,排名1;
[25]动态电子密码形成方法,ZL99116451.2, 授权日期:2002.6.26,排名1。
欧洲授权专利号:1971070, 授权日期:2010.3.25, 排名1
美国授权专利号:8144872,授权日期:2012.3.27, 排名1
2. 所获奖励
3. 发表论文
[1]Pan J, Liu Y, Liu X, et al. Discriminating bot accounts based solely on temporal features of microblog behavior[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2016. (影响因子:1.722)
[2]Pan J, Hu H, Liu X, et al. Multiscale Entropy Analysis on Human Operating Behavior[J]. Entropy, 2015, 18(1): 3. (影响因子:1.374)
[3]Xiao Feng Chen, Han Ping Hu*. Chaos synchronization of electro-optical chaotic systems with partially different parameters. IET Optoelectronics, 2015, DOI: 10.1049/iet-opt.2015.0039. (影响因子:0.683)
[4]Xiaojing Gao, Feilong Xie, Hanping Hu*, Enhancing the security of electro-optic delayed chaotic system with intermittent time delay modulation and digital chaos, Optics Communications, 2015, Vol 352, P. 77–83. (影响因子:1.542)
[5]Xiaojing Gao, Hanping Hu*, Adaptive–impulsive synchronization and parameters estimation of chaotic systems with unknown parameters by using discontinuous drive signals, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015, Vol 39, P. 3980–3989. (影响因子:2.158)
[6]Xiaojing Gao, Mengfan Cheng, and Hanping Hu*, Adaptive synchronization of uncertain delayed chaotic systems with full unknown parameters via discrete-time drive signals, Complexity, 2015, DOI: 10.1002/cplx.21628. (影响因子:1.029)
[7]Yashuang Deng, Hanping Hu*, Neal N.Xiong, and Lingfeng Liu, Analysis and Design of Digital Chaotic Systems with Desirable Performance via Feedback Control, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2015.2398836. (影响因子:2.169)
[8]Yashuang Deng, Hanping Hu*, Neal N.Xiong, Lingfeng Liu, W. Xiong, A General Hybrid Model for Chaos Robust Synchronization and Degradation Reduction, Information Sciences, 2015, 305:146-164. (影响因子:3.893)
[9]Yashuang Deng, Hanping Hu*, and Lingfeng Liu, Feedback control of digital chaotic systems with Application to Pseudorandom number generator, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 26(2015): 1550022. (影响因子:1.125)
[10]Yashuang Deng, Hanping Hu*, Improving the degradation of digital Logistic map via external control, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 543-547 (2014):1571-1574.(EI)
[11]Yashuang Deng, Hanping Hu*, A hybrid control method with application to pseudorandom bit generator, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 10(18), 2014. (EI)
[12]LingFeng Liu, SuoXia Miao, HanPing Hu*, YaShuang Deng, Pseudorandom Bit Generator Based on Varying Time-Delayed Logistic Map, Applied Mechanics and Material, vol.513-517,2014, 1727-1730. (EI)
[13]Pan Junshan, Hu Hanping*, Liu Ying, Human behavior during Flash Crowd in web surfing, PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, Vol.413, 2014, 212-219. (影响因子:1.722)
[14]Lingfeng Liu, Suoxia Miao, Hanping Hu*, Yashuang Deng, On the Eigenvlaue and Shannon’s Entropy of Finite Length Random Sequences, Complexity, 2014. (影响因子1.029)
[15]LingFeng Liu,HanPing Hu*,YaShuang Deng,NaiDa Ding, An entropy measure of non-stationary process, Entropy. vol. 16, pp.1493-1500, 2014. (影响因子:1.374)
[16]LingFeng Liu, HanPing Hu*, YaShuang Deng, SuoXia Miao, An analog-digital mixed method for solving the dynamical degradation of digital chaotic systems, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 31(4), 2014.(影响因子:0.967)
[17]HanPing Hu*, LingFeng Liu, NaiDa Ding,Pseudorandom sequence generator based on the Chen chaotic system,Computer Physics Communications, vol. 184, no.3, pp.765-768, 2013. (影响因子:3.078)
[18]Yangguang Fu*, Mingyue Ding, Chengping Zhou and Hanping Hu, Route planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) on the Sea Using Hybrid Differential Evolution and Quantum-Based Particle Swarm Optimization, IEEE transaction on system, Man and cybernetics: systems, vol. 43, no. 6, pp.1451-65, 2013. (影响因子:2.183)
[19]Hu Hanping, Su Wei, Liu Lingfeng*,Yu Zhiliang, Electro-optic intensity chaotic system with varying parameters[J], Physics Letters A, vol. 378, no. 3, pp.184-190, 2014. (影响因子:1.766)
[20]Wei Xiong, Hanping Hu*, Naixue Xiong et al, Anomaly secure detection methods by analyzing dunamic characteristics of the network traffic in cloud communications, Information Sciences, vol. 258, pp.403-415, 2014. (影响因子:3.643)
[21]Hanping Hu, Yashuang Deng*, Lingfeng Liu, Counteracting the dynamical degradation of digital chaos via hybrid control, Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat, vol. 19, no. 6, pp.1970-1984, 2014. (影响因子:2.733)
[22]胡汉平, 苏威, 于志良*, 等. 基于动态参数的光电延迟振荡系统及其保密通信研究, 光学学报, vol. 33, no. 5, pp.54-60, 2013. (EI)
[23]胡汉平、陈笑风*、苏威等, 基于光电反馈延迟的多点耦合混沌同步和通信的研究,光学学报, vol. 34, no. 4, 2014.
[24]Xiong W, Xiong N, Yang L T, et al. An anomaly-based detection in ubiquitous network using the equilibrium state of the catastrophe theory[J]. The Journal of Supercomputing, 2013, 64(2): 274-294. ( 影响因子:0.841)
[25]Mengfan Cheng, Hanping Hu*, Impulsive synchronization of chaotic systems with time-varying parameters, Journal of Computational Information Systems, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 4759-4768, 2012. (EI)
[26]Mengfan Cheng, Hanping Hu*, Theoretical Investigations of Impulsive synchronization on semiconductor laser chaotic systems, Chinese Optics Letters, vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 4759-4768, 2012. (影响因子:0.968)
[27]Mengfan Chen*, Hanping Hu, A Novel Chaotic Synchronization Scheme Based on Impulsive Stability Theory, Journal of Computer, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 755-761, 2012.(EI)
[28]胡汉平,于志良*,刘凌锋, 光电反馈混沌系统脉冲同步特性研究, 物理学报vol. 61, no. 19, pp. 190504, 2012. (影响因子:1.016)
[29]傅阳光,周成平,胡汉平, 无人飞行器海上航迹规划差分进化算法研究, 兵工学报,vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 296-300, 2012. (EI)
[30]Wang Zuxi, Wang Wenzong, Hu Hanping, Xu Jing*, Hybrid digital fingerprint based on multi-type characters for collusion-resistance, The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 8002, pp. 80021O, 2011. (EI)
[31]Wang Zuxi, Wang Wen, Hu Hanping, Deng Zhaozhang*, Fair and efficient network congestion control based on minority game, The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 8006, pp. 80062R, 2011. (EI)
[32]Yongqiang Chen, Yanqing Zhang, Hanping Hu* and Hefei Ling, A novel gray image watermarking scheme, Journal of Software, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 849-856, 2011. (EI)
[33]Lisen Peng*, Yongqiang Chen, Haning Hu, A video watermark method based on chaotic encryption, Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 44-47, pp. 3383-3387, 2011. (EI)
[34]Wei Xiong*, Hanping Hu, Zuxi Wang and Yue Yang, Network traffic anomaly detection method based on catastrophe progression, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 28-31, 2011. (EI)
[35]Wei Xiong*, Naixue Xiong, L. T. Yang, J. H. Park, Hanping Hu and Qian Wang, An anomaly-based detection in ubiquitous network using the equilibrium state of the catastrophe theory, Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 10, pp. 1-21, 2011. (EI)
[36]Mengfan Cheng* and Hanping Hu, H∞ synchronization of impulsively-coupled complex switched networks, Proceedings of the 2011 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, vol. 23-25, pp. 177-184, 2011. (EI)
[37]Yang Yue*, Hu Hanping, Xiong Wei, Ding Fan. A Novel Network Traffic Anomaly Detection Model Based on Superstatistics Theory, Journal of Networks. vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 311-318, 2011. (EI)
[38]Zhu, Z. Q.*, Hu, H. P. Robust Synchronization by Time-Varying Impulsive Control, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II-Express Briefs, vol. 57, no. 9, pp. 735-739,2010 .(影响因子:1.334)
[39]Yang Yue, Hu Han-Ping, Xiong Wei*, Chen Jiang-Hang. Network Traffic Anomaly Detection Method Based on a Feature of Catastrophe Theory. Chinese Physics Letters , vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 060501-4, 2010. (影响因子:1.078)
[40]Ziqi Zhu*, Hanping Hu. A dynamic nonlinear transform arithmetic for improving the properties chaos-based PRNG, 2010 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, pp. 7055 -7060, 2010. (EI)
[41]Maocai Wang*, Hanping Hu, Guangming Dai and Lei Pen. Constructing elliptic curve including subgroup with low hamming order, Advanced Materials Research, Germany, vol. 113, no. 7, pp. 6-9, 2010. (EI)
[42]Maocai Wang*, Hanping Hu and Guangming Dai. An Identity-based Signature Scheme for Mobile Business, ICIC Express Letters, Japan, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 565-569, 2010. (EI)
[43]Maocai Wang*, Guangming Dai and Hanping Hu, An efficient generation method of elliptic curve for pairing-based cryptosystems, Proc. Of 2010 International Conference on Machine Vision and Human-machine Interface, Kaifeng, China, pp. 676-678, 2010. (EI)
[44]Maocai Wang*, Guangming Dai and Hanping Hu. Improved NSGA-II Algorithm for Optimization of Constrained Functions, Proc. Of 2010 International Conference on Machine Vision and Human-machine Interface, Kaifeng, China, pp. 673-675, 2010.(EI)
[45]Yang Yue*, Hu Hanping , Xiong Wei , Ding Fan. A novel network traffic model based on superstatistics theory, 2010 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications, Wuhan, China, pp. 1-4, 2010. (EI)
[46]Xiong Wei*, Xiong Naixue, Yang Laurence T, Athanasios V, Vasilakos, Wang Qian, Hu, Hanping. Network traffic anomaly detection based on catastrophe theory, 2010 IEEE Globecom Workshops, Miami, FL, United states, pp. 2070-2074, 2010. (EI).
[47]Wei Xiong*, Hanping Hu, Yue Yang, Qian Wang. Anomaly detection of network traffic based on the largest Lyapunov exponent, 2010 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computer Control, vol. 4, pp. 581-585, 2010. (EI).
[48]Maocai Wang*, Guangming Dai, Hanping Hu, Yun Wang. An effective ID-based mobile business system, 2010 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Jinan, China , pp. 3969-3973, 2010. (EI)
[49]Wang Zuxi, Li Li*, Sun Gang, Hu Hanping. An optimization algorithm of spare capacity allocation by dynamic survivable routing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1st International Conference on Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Beijing, China, pp. 439-445, 2010. (EI)
[50]Hanping Hu*, Ya Xu, Ziqi Zhu. A method of improving the properties of digital chaotic system. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, vol. 38, no. 2, pp: 439-446, 2008.(影响因子:2.980)
[51]Xingzhong Yao*, Lianghai Jin, Hanping Hu. Pinwheel patterns give rise to the direction selectivity of complex cells in the primary visual cortex. Brain Research, vol. 1170, no. 19, pp. 140-146, 2007. (影响因子:2.218)
[52]Hu Hanping, Xiaogang Wu*, Zuxi Wang. Synchronizing chaotic map from the two-valued symbolic sequences. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 1059-1064, 2005. (影响因子:1.938)
[53]Hu HP, Chen YQ*. Image watermarking technique based on two-dimensional chaotic stream encryption. Lecture notes in computer scienc, embedded and ubiquitous computing - EUC 2005 Workshops, proceedings, vol. 3823, pp. 817-824, 2005. (影响因子:0.402)
[54]Xiaogang Wu*, Hanping Hu, Baoliang Zhang. Parameter estimation only from the symbolic sequences generated by chaos system, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, vol. 24, no. 1, pp.137-138, 2005. (影响因子:1.938)
[55]Xiaogang Wu*, Hanping Hu, Baoliang Zhang. Analyzing and improving a chaotic encryption method. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 367-373, 2004. (影响因子:1.526)
[56]Xiaogang Wu*, Hanping Hu, Baoliang Zhang. Parameter estimation only from the symbolic sequences generated by chaos system. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 359-366, 2004. (影响因子:1.526)
[57]Ling Liu*, Xiaogang Wu, Hanping Hu. Estimating system parameters of Chua's circuit from synchronizing signal, Physics Letters A, vol. 324, no. 1, pp. 36-41, 2004. (影响因子:1.454)
[58]Baoliang Zhang*, Hanping Hu, Xiaogang Wu, Tao Kong. Security Enhanced to GSI: An Integrated Framework with A Mechanism. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3252, pp. 506-513, 2004. (影响因子:0.513)
4. 专著
[1]胡汉平. 混沌保密通讯学 2014, 武汉:湖北科学技术出版社, “十二五”国家重点出版物出版规划项目, 获“国家科学技术学术著作出版基金”资助http://www.gapp.gov.cn/news/1663/222190.shtml
5. 其他成果