姓名: 沈吟东
工作单位: 华中科技大学人工智能与自动化学院
地址: 湖北省武汉市洪山区珞喻路1037号
电话: 18995656180
电子邮件: yindong@hust.edu.cn
中国运筹学会 常务理事
湖北省运筹学会 副理事长
中国运筹学会排序专业委员会 副理事长
中国运筹学会医疗运作管理分会 常务理事
湖北省公路学会 常务理事
中国人工智能学会智能交通专委会 委员
中国仿真学会智能仿真优化与调度专委会 委员
湖北省智能制造学会联合体专家委员会 委员
国际运筹学会发展中国家委员会(IFORS-DCC) 委员 (2014-2018)
《Transportation Research Part B》、《Transportation Research Part C》、《控制理论与应用》、《运筹学学报》等杂志审稿人
l2014年湖北省第十五届自然科学优秀学术论文 一等奖
●博士,英国利兹大学计算机学院(School of Computing, Leeds University) (1998-2001)
●学士,武汉大学法语系,计算机科学系,情报科学系 (中法交流试点班,1981-1986)
2."十三五"国家重点研发计划项目,"复杂山地条件下冬奥雪上场馆设计建造运维关键技术"(2018YFF0300300) 之课题"复杂山地条件下冬奥雪上场馆BIM关键技术研究"(2018YFF0300301)
7.国家自然科学基金资助项目,"公交区域运营模式及集成调度方法研究",批准号:70671045,项目负责人,2007.1-2009.12。申请代码: G0103运筹与管理.
1.沈吟东,陈仕军著,《公共交通驾驶员调度》[M],2019.7, 北京:清华大学出版社。国家"十三五"重点图书规划项目,国家出版基金项目。
2.Shen Yindong著,Two Neighbourhood Search Approaches: 2-opt Heuristics and Tabu Search for Bus and Train Driver Scheduling[M],2003.10,Science Press, Beijing, China.(科学出版社,英文版专著)。
3.夏立新、陆伟、沈吟东译,《信息检索可视化》([美]Jin Zhang.Visualization for Information Retrieval,Berlin:Springer-Verlag,2008),北京:科学出版社,2009年6月。
1.Shen Yindong, Yan Miaomiao. HTN planning for dynamic vehicle scheduling with stochastic trip times.Neural Computing and Applications.2023, (3):1-14.https://doi.org/10.1007/ s00521-023-08228-2 ISSN:0941-0643 (JCI Q1,JCR Q2,B类)
2.Shen Yindong, Li Yuanyuan, Chen Chen, Li Jingpeng. Electric vehicle scheduling based on stochastic trip time and energy consumption.Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2023, 177,109071. (JCR Q1)ISSN:0360-8352.(JCR Q1)
3.Shen Yindong, Yu Leqin, Li Jingpeng. Robust electric vehicle routing problem with time windows under demand uncertainty and weight-related energy consumption.Complex system modelling and simulation, 2022, 2(1):18-34. ISSN:2096-9929, DOI:10.23919/CSMS.2022.0005
4.Li Yuanyuan,Shen Yindong, Li Jingpeng.A Discrete Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Stochastic Vehicle Scheduling.Complex system modelling and simulation, 2022, 2(3):238-252. ISSN:2096-9929, DOI:10.23919/CSMS.2022.0012
5.Yan Miaomiao,Shen Yindong. Traffic accident severity prediction based on random forest.Sustainability, 2022,14(3),1729. ISSN: 2071-1050, DOI:10.3390/su14031729 (JCR Q2,C类)
6.谢文亮,沈吟东. 基于多任务学习的多线路公交车程时间预测. 《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》J. Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.(Natural Science Edition),2022, 50(11):90-95. DOI: 10.1155/2021/3529984
7.徐丸絮,沈吟东. 基于Attention-LSTM神经网络的公交行程时间预测. 《现代电子技术》,2022,45(3):83-87.
8.Shen Yindong, Xie Wenliang, Li Jingpeng. A multiObjective optimization approach for integrated timetabling and vehicle scheduling with uncertainty.Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2021:1-16. ISSN: 0197-6729 (A类)
9.Shen Yindong, Peng Liwen, Li Jingpeng. An improved estimation of distribution algorithm for multi-compartment electric vehicle routing problem.Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2021, 32(2): 365-379. ISSN: 1004-4132. DOI: 10.23919/JSEE.2021.000030
10.沈吟东,钱壮,李媛媛. 公共交通驾驶员调度研究综述. 《运筹学学报》, 2021, 25(1):1-16.
11.彭丽文,沈吟东. 多隔间车辆路径问题研究综述. 《物流科技》, 2021(2):72-77,87
12.沈吟东,陈晨. 电动公交车辆调度问题研究综述. 《物流科技》, 2021(4):62-66.
13.Shunli Feng,Yindong Shen. Integrated optimization of Order Batching and Distribution based on EDA[C]. //Proceedings of the 20th Chinese Control and Decision Conference(CCDC 2020), Hefei, 2020:2840-2845。
14.Shen Yindong, Xu Jia, Wu Xianyi, Ni Yudong. Modelling travel time distributions using distribution fitting methods and its influence over stochastic vehicle scheduling.Transport, 2019, 34(2): 237-249.(SCI, SSCI收录)DOI:https://doi.org/10.3846/transport.2019.8940
15.Ullah A, Li J,Shen Y, Hussain A. A control theoretical view of cloud elasticity: taxonomy, survey and challenges.Cluster Computing. 2018, 21(4): 1735-1764 (SCI收录)
16.Ni Yudong, Li Yuanyuan,Shen Yindong. An improved artificial bee colony algorithm and its Taguchi analysis.Communications in Computer and Information Science,2018,952:104-117. Springer (EI收录)https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-2829-9_11
(Ni Y., Li Y., Shen Y. (2018) An Improved Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm and Its Taguchi Analysis. In: Qiao J. et al. (eds) Bio-inspired Computing: Theories and Applications. BIC-TA 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 952. Springer, Singapore)
17.Zhenyuan Liu Z,Zaisheng Liu,Zhipeng Zhu,Yindong Shen,Junwu Dong. Simulated annealing for a multi-level nurse rostering problem in hemodialysis service.Applied Soft Computing, 2018,64:148-160. (SCI收录,A类)
18.Peng K,Shen Y. A variable iterated greedy algorithm based on grey relational analysis for crew scheduling.Scientia Iranica,Transactions E, 2018, 25(2):831-840(SCI收录)
19.沈吟东,宫剑. 基于区域划分的地铁网络脆弱性评价方法.《系统工程学报》, 2018,33(3):289-297
20.孙腾飞,沈吟东,刘晓雪,钱壮. 基于生物地理学算法的公共交通发车间隔优化,inProceedings of the 37thChinese Control Conference. July 25-27, 2018, Wuhan, China. pp. 2253-2258.
21.沈吟东,吴哲威,闫苗苗. 基于闭环控制系统的公交动态调度,in Proceedings of the 37thChinese Control Conference. July 25-27, 2018, Wuhan, China. pp. 7707-7712.
22.Shen Y, Li J, Peng K. An Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for Public Transport Driver Scheduling.International Journal of Operational Research, 2017, 28(2):245-262.
23.Shen Y, Xu J, Wu X.Vehicle scheduling based on variable trip times with expected on-time performance.International Transactions in Operational Research, 2017, 24(1):99-113. DOI: 10.1111/itor.12321(SCI, SSCI收录)
24.彭琨琨,沈吟东. 变邻域搜索求解公共交通乘务调度问题.《交通运输系统工程与信息》, 2017,17(1):164-170. (ISSN:1009-6744)(EI收录)
25.Shen Y, Zeng Z.Y., Wu Z.W. Dynamic vehicle scheduling based on HTN, inProceedings of the 36th Chinese Control Conference(International), July 26-28, Dalian, China,IEEE Xplore, pp.3066-3071.(EI收录)
26.李加加,沈吟东. 基于演化算法的多级别多岗位护士排班问题研究, inProceedings of the 36th Chinese Control Conference(International)(第36届中国控制会议论文集), 2017年7月26-28日, 中国大连,IEEE Xplore, pp.3032-3037(EI收录)
27.Shen Y, Xu J, Li J.A probabilistic model for vehicle scheduling based on stochastic trip times.Transportation Research Part B,2016, 85(1): 19-31. DOI:10.1016/j.trb.2015.12.016(SCI,SSCI收录,1区,A类)
28.ShenY, Xu J, Zeng Z. Public transit planning and scheduling based on AVL data in China.International Transactions in Operational Research. 2016, 23(6):1089-1111. DOI:10.1111/itor. 12164.(SCI,SSCI收录)
29.Shen Y, Wang S.Q. An adaptive differential evolution approach for the maximal synchronization problem of feeder buses to metro.Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2016, 13(6):3548-3555. DOI: 10.1166/jctn.2016.5182 (SCI收录)
30.Peng K,Shen Y. An evolutionary algorithm based on grey relational analysis for crew scheduling.Journal of Grey System. 2016, 28(3):75-88. (SCI收录)
31.Peng K,Shen Y. Hybrid variable neighbourhood search for multi-objective bus driver rostering.Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2016, 13(6):3989-3996. DOI: 10.1166/jctn.2016.5238 (SCI收录)
32.宫剑,沈吟东. 基于层次分析法的地铁站点脆弱性评价. 《武汉理工大学学报》(信息与管理工程版), 2016, 38(5): 519-523.
33.Ullah A.,Li J.,Shen Y. and Hussain A. Genetic Optimization of Fuzzy Membership Functions for Cloud Resource Provisioning", in Proceedings ofthe 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI2016), IEEE Press, Athens, Greece.
34.Li J, Bai R,Shen Y, Qu R. Search with Evolutionary Ruin and Stochastic Rebuild: a Theoretic Framework and a Case Study on Exam Timetabling.European Journal of Operational Research, 2015,242(3): 798-806.(SCI收录,1区,A类)
35.Peng K,Shen Y, Li J. A multi-objective simulated annealing for bus driver rostering. In:Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications (BIC-TA2015),Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 562, pp. 315-330, 2015.(EI收录)
36.Shen Y, Wang S.Q. Maximal synchronization of feeder buses to metro using particle swarm optimization.Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 562 (Proceedings of BIC-TA 2015), pp.350-361, 2015.(EI收录)
37.张玉洁,倪郁东,沈吟东. 基于乘客异质性的乘客出行动态均衡研究.《合肥工业大学学报》(自然科学版), 2015, 38(04):564-568.
38.Shen Y, Chen S. A column generation algorithm for crew scheduling with multiple additional constraints.Pacific Journal of Optimization, 2014, 10(1):113-136 ( ISSN: 1348-9151) (SCI收录)
39.Fan H, Liu B,Shen Y, Wang W. Adaptive failure compensation for uncertain systems with stochastic actuator failures.IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2014, 59(3): 808-814.(SCI收录,1区,A类)
40.沈吟东,张仝辉,徐甲. 基于K-means聚类算法的公交运营时段分析. 《交通运输系统工程与信息》, 2014,14(2):87-93. (ISSN:1009-6744)(EI收录)
41.陈仕军, 沈吟东. 加速列生成法求解乘务调度问题. 《交通运输系统工程与信息》,2014, 14(1) :144-149,179. (ISSN:1009-6744)(EI收录)
42.Shen Y, Peng K, Chen K, Li J. Evolutionary crew scheduling with adaptive chromosomes.Transportation Research Part B, 2013, 56(10):174-185. DOI: 10.1016/j.trb.2013.08.003
43.Chen S,Shen Y,Su X, Chen H.Crew Scheduling With Chinese Meal Break Rules.Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology,2013, 13(2): 90-95.(EI收录)
44.Chen S,Shen Y. An Improved Column Generation Algorithm for Crew Scheduling ProblemsJournal of Information and Computational Science, 2013, 10 (1):175-183.(ISSN:1548-7741)(EI收录)
45.沈吟东, 安东尼.瑞恩(Wren A).世界首次铁路机车计算机调度实践[J]. 《铁道运营技术》,2013, 19(1):29-31, 34. (ISBN:1006-8686)
46.张景,沈吟东. 基于定位数据的公交时间站点自动选择方法[J].《交通运输系统工程与信息》,2012, 12 (6):60-65.(ISSN:1009-6744)
47.Xu J,Shen Y.Setting Scheduled Trip Time Based on AVL Data.Journal of TransportationSystems Engineering and Information Technology,2012, 12(5): 39-45.
徐甲,沈吟东. 基于AVL数据的单程时间参数设置方法[J].《交通运输系统工程与信息》,2012, 12(5):39-45.(EI收录)
48.Li J., Qu R. andShen Y.(2012): "Evolutionary Ruin and Stochastic Recreate: a Case Study on the Exam Timetabling Problem",in Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMA2012), May 29 – June 1, Koblenz, Germany. pp. 347-353.(EI收录)
49.王昌毓,沈吟东, 陈凯.带个人偏好的多级别护士排班问题研究[C],inProceedings of the 31stChinese Control Conference,July 25-27, 2012,Hefei China. pp.2437-2442.(EI收录)
50.Fan H, Liu B,Shen Y.Fault Tolerant Control for Uncertain Systems with Actuator Stochastic Failures,The 12thInternational conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2012.12, Guangzhou, China. pp.70-75.(EI收录)
51.占竞,沈吟东, 徐甲. 基于GIS的公交运营仿真系统的设计与实现. 《计算机工程与科学》,2011,33(9):164-168.
52.Shen Y, Chen S, Su X. Rail Crew Scheduling Based on a Pooling Mode for High Speed Passenger Lines.2010 International Conference on Logistics Engineering and Intelligent Transportation Systems (LEITS2010), Wuhan, China, 2010. pp. 55-58. DOI10.1109/LEITS.2010.5665032(EI收录)
53.Chen S,Shen Y.An integrated mathematical model for optimizing the component placement process with a multi-heads placement machine, in:Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control Conference(International), July 29-31, Beijing, China,IEEE Xplore, pp.1839-1842, 2010.(EI收录)
54.沈吟东,苏光辉.带约束的护士排班模型和基于变换规则的优化算法. 《计算机工程与科学》, 2010, 32(7):99-103,111.
55.沈吟东,王进,赵宪尧,郭志勇. 实现我国现代化公共交通的技术支撑——海口市公共交通规划思考.第三届大城市交通高层论坛, 武汉, 2010,pp.257-261.
56.Shen Y, Xia J.Integrated Bus Transit Scheduling for the Beijing Bus Group Based On a Unified Mode of Operation[J],International Transactions in Operational Research, 2009,16(2):227-242.(SCI,SSCI收录)
57.Shen Y, Zhao L.Designing and Modeling the Integrated Bus and Driver Scheduling Problem, in:Proceedings of Chinese Control and Decision Conference, IEEE Xplore, pp. 2567-2571, 2009.(EI收录)
58.Zhao L,Shen Y. An Integrated Model of Vehicle and Crew Scheduling with Multi-Depots,in:Proceedings ofInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering (CISE), 2009 Wuhan, China.(EI收录)
59.沈吟东.农村客运改革:公交化与区域模式, 中国软科学, 2009, pp.40-45.
60.倪郁东,沈吟东.二维非线性临界解析动态系统的局部渐近稳定性[J],《控制理论与应用》,2009, 26(2):179-182.
61.倪郁东,费树岷,沈吟东.临界状态下二维仿射控制系统的局部光滑镇定,in:Proceedings of Chinese Control and Decision Conference, IEEE Xplore, pp. 2567-2571, 2009.(EI收录)
63.沈吟东,倪郁东.列生成法及其在大规模驾驶员调度中的应用[C],inProceedings of the 27th Chinese Control Conference(第27届中国控制会议论文集),2008,6(7):468-472.(EI收录)
64.沈吟东,陈名晖,邓婕.利用矩阵向量化变换求解护士排班问题[C],inProceedings of Chinese Control and Decision Conference(2008中国控制与决策会议论文集),2008,1019-1022. (EI收录)
66.沈吟东,Wren A.英国公共交通调度研究[A],中国运筹学会第九届学术交流会论文集[C],2008,335-342.
67.倪郁东, 辛云冰,沈吟东. 三维非线性临界解析动态方程的局部渐近稳定性[J],《中国科学技术大学学报》,2007,37(11):1378-1382。
69.Shen Y,Xia J.Integrated Bus Transit Scheduling for Beijing Bus Group Based On Regionalized Operation Mode[A]. Presented in:the 2005 IFORS Triennial Conference[C], Hawaii, USA, 2005.
70.沈吟东,夏家宏. 公交企业信息化误区之剖析及对策 [J],《城市公共交通》,2005(5):38-40。
71.沈吟东,倪郁东. 基于整数规划的驾驶员调度系统-TRACS II [J],《运筹与管理》,2005,14(3):76-80。
72.沈吟东, 倪郁东. 智能公交调度计划系统的设计[A], 第24届中国控制会议论文集[C],2005年7月15-18日,中国广州,pp.1659-1663。(EI收录)
73.Shen, Y., Ni, Y. Modeling and Solving the Public Transport Driver Scheduling Problem with Time Windows[A], in: Proceedings of the 24thChinese Control Conference (International)[C], 15-18 July, 2005, Guangzhou, China. pp.451-456.(EI收录)
74.Shen Y.and Ni Y. (2004), Review of Bus and Train Driver Scheduling Approaches[A], In: Yang, H., Lo, H.K.(eds), in Proceedings of the 9thConference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS)[C], December 2004, Hong Kong, 424-433.
75.沈吟东,夏家宏. 公交区域运营模式在我国的应用研究[J],科技进步与对策,2004,21(8):88-90。
76.沈吟东,夏家宏. 公交企业信息化系统的应用选择[J],科技进步与对策,2004,21(9):129-131。
77.沈吟东,曾西洋. 公共交通驾驶员调度的复杂性及解决方法[J],计算机科学,2004,31(9):226-229。
78.沈吟东,夏家宏. 调度计划工作在公交调度中的地位探讨[C],国际运输与物流学术论文集,2004,9:141-147。
79.沈吟东,夏家宏. 利用计算机软件高效计划公交企业资源[J],世界城市交通,2003(3):37-38。
80.Shen Y. and Kwan R.S.K. (2001).Tabu Search for Driver Scheduling[J].Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems,Springer-Verlag, 505:121-135.
81.Shen Y, Kwan R.S.K. (2001). A constructive approach to bus and train driver scheduling[A]. In:Proceedings of the IIE Annual Conference 2001[C], May 20-23, 2001, Dallas, Texas, USA.
82.Shen, Y.and Kwan, R.S.K.(2000). A Tabu Search algorithm with 2-opt moves for bus and rail driver scheduling. In:the Eleventh Young Operational Research Conference, 28th-30thMarch, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge.