1992.9~1996.6 武汉理工大学,计算机应用专业学士
1996.9~1999.6 武汉理工大学,计算机应用专业硕士
1999.9~2002.10 华中科技大学,模式识别与智能系统专业博士
招生方向:模式识别 导航制导 图像分析与机器视觉
· Delie Ming, Hao Wang, Tian Tian. Background feature descriptor for offline handwritten numeral recognition[C]. Proceedings of SPIE, MIPPR 2011, Vol. 8004, 80041N. (EI索引)
· Tian Tian, Delie Ming, Feiran Jie, Bo Lei.Fusion of multi-measures in infrared target recognition based on Dempster-Shafer evidence theory[C]. Proceedings of SPIE, MIPPR 2011, Vol. 8003, 80030H. (EI索引)
· Liping Xiao, Lei Gao, Delie Ming, Tian Tian. An Imaging modeling simulation research of infrared aero-optical effect based on superposition of Gaussian Mixture Model[C]. Proceedings of SPIE, MIPPR 2011, Vol. 8003, 80030N. (EI索引)
· Hang Li, Delie Ming, Jinwen Tian. Reference image generation based on three-dimensional realistic scene modeling for contour-based infrared ATR algorithm[C]. Proceedings of SPIE, MIPPR 2011, Vol. 8004, 80040D. (EI索引)
· Ming Delie, Tian Jinwen. Automatic Pattern Extraction and Classification for Chromosome Images [J]. Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Teraherz Waves,Vol.31(7): 866-877, JUL 2010.(SCI 索引)
· Zuo Boxin, Ming Delie, Tian Jinwen. Perceptual ringing metric to evaluate the quality of images restored using blind deconvolution algorithms[J]. Optical Engineering, March 2009, 48(3): 037004-1-037004-9. (SCI索引)
· Xin Tian, Delie Ming. A Forward-flipping Architecture for lifting-based Discrete Wavelete Transform[J]. Optical Engineering, 2011( In Pressing ). (SCI刊源)
· Wang Peng, Tian Jinwen, Gao chenqiang. Infrared small target detection using directional highpass filters based on LS-SVM[J]. Electronics Letters, 2009, 45(3): 156-158. (SCI索引)
· 明德烈, 田金文, 王密, 苏金华. 非常规天气航空成像建模与仿真方法研究[J]. 宇航学报,Vol.31(5):1433-1437, 2010. (EI索引)
· 明德烈, 田金文. 红外前视对一类特殊建筑目标识别技术研究[J]. 宇航学报,Vol.31(4):1190-1194, 2010. (EI索引)
· 明德烈,蒋欣. 基于数值背景表达的地图符号识别方法[J]. 华中科技大学学报,Vol.33(8):72-74, 2005. (EI索引)
· Ming Delie, Wang Mi, Gao Pengfei. Contour-based multisensor image registration using gradient vector features[C]. Proc of SPIE, 2009, Vol.7495, 74954A. (EI索引)
· 明德烈, 左博新, 田金文. 盲复原图像振铃效应评价[J]. 中国图形图像学报,已接收待安排刊期. (EI索引)
· Zuo Boxin, Ming Delie, Tian Jinwen. A No-reference Ringing Metrics for Images Deconvolution [C]. Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, Hong Kong, Aug. 2008:96-101. (EI索引)
· 左博新, 明德烈, 敖争光, 郑文娟. 基于图像结构的无参考模糊图像及其复原图像质量评价方法[J]. 地理信息世界. 2008, (1):13-20.
· 喻鑫, 明德烈, 田金文. 前下视红外图像中复杂地面背景下的目标定位[J]. 红外与激光工程,Vol.36(6):988-991, 2007. (EI索引)
· 龚俊斌, 明德烈, 田金文, 刘德坤. 基于哈特莱变换的快速图像模板匹配算法[J]. 宇航学报, 已录用待安排刊期. (EI刊源)