国际期刊IET Control Theory & Applications的Associate Editor;国际期刊Journal of Applied Mathematics的Editorial Board Member;国际期刊Journal of the Franklin Institute、IET Control Theory & Applications和Mathematical Problems in Engineering的Guest Editor;IEEE CSS Conference Editorial Board Member;IEEE CDC、ACC、ASCC和CCC的Associate Editor。
作为项目负责人主持国家自然科学基金、教育部博士点基金、湖北省自然科学基金面上基金和华中科技大学自主创新基金等多项科研项目。作为第一作者在Springer出版社出版一本英文学术专著,发表SCI期刊论文80多篇,所发表论文包括自动控制领域国际主流学术刊物IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control(长文),Automatica等。
[1] Housheng Su and Xiaofan Wang, Pinning control of complex networked systems, Springer, 2013.
[1] Housheng Su, X. Wang and Z. Lin, Flocking of Multi-Agents with a Virtual Leader, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2009, 54(2):293-307. (Regular Paper) (SCI)
[2] Housheng Su, X. Wang, G. Chen and Z. Lin, Adaptive Second-order Consensus of Networked Mobile Agents with Nonlinear Dynamics, Automatica, 2011, 47(2): 368-375. (SCI)
[3] Housheng Su, X. Wang and Z. Lin, Synchronization of Coupled Harmonic Oscillators in a Dynamic Proximity Network, Automatica, 2009, 45(10):2286-2291. (SCI)
[4] Housheng Su, Z. Rong, M. Z. Q. Chen, X. Wang, G. Chen and H. Wang, Decentralized Adaptive Pinning Control for Cluster Synchronization of Complex Dynamical Networks, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2013, 43(1): 394-399. (SCI)
[5] Housheng Su, M. Z. Q. Chen, J. Lam and Z. Lin, Semi-Global Leader-following Consensus of Linear Multi-agent Systems with Input Saturation via Low Gain Feedback, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2013, 60(7): 1881-1889. (Regular Paper) (SCI)
[6] Housheng Su, M. Z. Q. Chen, X. Wang and J. Lam, Semiglobal Observer-based Leader-Following Consensus With Input Saturation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2014,61(6):2842-2850. (Regular Paper) (SCI)
(1) 国家自然科学基金(61473129、61104140);
(2) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET-12-0215);
(3) 教育部博士点基金(20100142120023);
(4) 湖北省自然科学基金面上项目(2011CDB042);
(5) 华中科技大学自主创新基金。