报告题目:Artificial Intelligence and Management Science
报 告 人:龚业明 教授(法国里昂商学院)
摘要:This course deals with basic concepts, theories, philosophies, and paradigms of “Artificial Intelligence and Management Science”, acquaints participants with various tools, techniques, and methods used in “Artificial Intelligence and Management Science”, discusses the newest practices of “Artificial Intelligence and Management Science”, and examines the technical and organizational challenges for implementing “Artificial Intelligence and Management Science”. This course includes six sessions. In Session 1, we present social and technological backgrounds and advanced new topics in society. In Session 2, we study theoretical background in Artificial Intelligence and Social Sciences, which are foundation of management science. In Session 3, we particularly study Artificial Intelligence and economics. In Session 4, we study Artificial Intelligence and MIS (Management Information Systems).In Session 5, we consider Artificial Intelligence and POM (Production Operations Management).In Session 6, we summarize the Artificial Intelligence and Social Science.
报告人简介:龚业明教授,华中科技大学学士,法国欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)硕士,荷兰鹿特丹大学鹿特丹管理学院(Rotterdam School of Management)博士,美国芝加哥大学商学院(University of Chicago)博士后,美国康奈尔大学商学院(Cornell University)访问教授。历任法国里昂商学院(EMLYON, 2009至今) 管理科学助理教授, 副教授,教授,一级教授,博士生导师。商业智能研究所所长。他的研究方法包括数学分析模型和实证定量模型,主要方向为商业智能、大数据物流、大数据供应链管理、智能运作战略、智能制造、智能服务。在德国出版社Springer以独立作者身份发表英文专著 “全球运作战略”,为Springer的畅销书,被欧美澳40多家商学院列为指定教材。在荷兰Erasmus以独立作者身份发表运作管理英文专著“仓储运作的随机模型”。在Production and Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research , IIE Transactions, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Journal of Production Economics, Annals of Operations Research, International Journal of Information Management, Management Decision, Management International, CIE 和IJPR等学术期刊上发表论文51篇。龚业明博士2010年获美国工业工程学会(IIE)年度最佳论文奖。根据最新2018年美国物流与供应链协会MHI发布的科学统计学论文,用the degree of centrality中心化指标排名(测学术领导力), 龚业明教授学术领导力排名位居全球前列。