报告题目:Precision Mapping and Vehicle State Estimation for Autonomous Highway Vehicles
报 告 人: Professor Jay A. Farrell(University of California at Riverside,President of IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS))
报告时间: 7月25日(周五)下午3:00
报告地点: 南一楼中311室
邀 请 方:“多谱信息处理技术”国家级重点实验室
Given recently publicized demonstrations of autonomous vehicles operating on public streets, various countries are considering technical, legal, and ethical issues related to their legalization. Even without fully autonomy, intelligent transportation systems have high potential for improvement of highway safety and throughput, especially after “where-in-lane” accuracy can be reliably achieved. This presentation will discuss the role of control and systems theoretic methods related to practical autonomous vehicle applications, particularly as they relate to automated construction of precise feature maps and reliable real-time navigation with position accuracy at the decimeter level. Both applications require reliable and automated data fusion from various sensor modalities: LIDAR, camera, global navigation satellite systems, inertial measurements, etc. The presentation will survey and present modern methods for roadway feature mapping and vehicle state estimation. Results from a demonstration at the US Department of Transportation Turner Fairbanks Research Center will be included.
Jay A. Farrell earned B.S. degrees in physics and EE from Iowa State U., and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in EE from the U. of Notre Dame. At Charles Stark Draper Lab (1989-1994), he received the Engineering Vice President's Best Technical Publication Award in 1990, and Recognition Awards for Outstanding Performance and Achievement in 1991 and 1993. He is a Professor and two time Chair of the Department of EE at the University of California, Riverside. He has served the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) as Finance Chair for three IEEE CDC`s (`95, `01, and `03), on the Board of Governors for two terms (`03-`06, `12-`14), as Vice President Finance and Vice President of Technical Activities, as General Chair of IEEE CDC 2012, and as President in 2014. He was named a GNSS Leader to Watch for 2009-2010 by GPS World Magazine in May 2009 and a winner of the Connected Vehicle Technology Challenge by the U.S. Department of Transportation`s (DOT`s) Research and Innovative Technology Administration in July 2011. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of AAAS, a Distinguished Member of IEEE CSS, and author of over 200 technical publications. He is author of the book "Aided Navigation: GPS with High Rate Sensors" (McGraw-Hill 2008). He is also co-author of the books "The Global Positioning System and Inertial Navigation" (McGraw-Hill, 1998) and "Adaptive Approximation Based Control: Unifying Neural, Fuzzy and Traditional Adaptive Approximation Approaches" (John Wiley 2006).