报告题目:Recent Progresses on Linear Programming and its Applications
报告人:叶荫宇 教授(美国斯坦福大学)
报告时间: 2014年1月6日13:50
邀 请 方:“多谱信息处理技术”国家级重点实验室
报告摘要:Linear programming (LP), together with the simplex method, remain a core topic in Operations Research, Computer Science and Mathematics since 1947. Due to the relentless research effort, a linear program can be solved today one million times faster than it was done thirty years ago. Businesses, large and small, now use LP models to control manufacture inventories, price commodities, design civil/communication networks, and plan investments. LP even becomes a popular subject taught in under/graduate and MBA curriculum, advancing human knowledge and promoting science education. The aim of the talk is to describe several recent progresses on LP and the simplex method, and its applications in emerging sciences and industries.
报告人简介:叶荫宇教授现为美国斯坦福大学讲座教授,1982年毕业于华中理工大学自动控制系获工学学士学位,1983年于美国斯坦福大学获得工程经济系统硕士学位,1988年于斯坦福大学获得工程经济学和运筹学博士学位,师从线性规划之父G.B. Dantzig。叶教授在Operations Research、SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing、SIAM Journal of Optimization等国际顶级期刊上发表了140余篇论文,特别是在线性规划、半定规划内点算法方面取得了国际知名的理论成果。2009年叶荫宇被授予运筹管理学领域最高奖项——冯·诺依曼理论奖,以表彰其在运筹管理学领域做出的巨大贡献。